Weight increasing (muscles largeness) is considered the chief concern of all the bodybuilding beginners and also a basic part of the program of the advanced and professional players. Nourishment is considered the most important element in the game, then rest and after that the exercise. Without those three elements you will not gain any progress.
Bodybuilding player does not have to go on the muscular largeness program too much, as it will increase the fat ratio in his body that will increase the period to lose it which will walk besides losing the acquired muscular while losing those fats.
You should look at your body through the mirror even by your friend or also by your coach to know how much progress has been achieved for besides measuring your weight certainly and also to look at your body if you notice ant fats you should stop the largeness program and start to lose the excess weight.
Don’t forget the rest element because your body now grows while training so you have to sleep from 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleeping to give your body the chance to grow and rebuilt your fitness.
As we know during this period we need to have calories more than we consume, player needs about 40-50 calories per every kilo of the body weight but body building player does not have to stop at an appointed limited as long as he wants to increase his weight, he should increase his calories continuously till he reach what he needs, hence he can stop increase his calories.
In order to know how to calculate calories we ought to know the following:
1_every 1 gm protein gives 4 calories.
2_every 1 gm carbohydrate gives 4 calories.
3_every I gm fat gives 9 calories.
When we start in the largeness program we need to know the amount of calories we have per day almost because we will increase this amount in our program about 500-700 calories at the beginning, after that we will increase it from 300-500 calories every two weeks during our program.
For example:
A player takes about 2000 calories per day and he wants to make a program and he wants to increase his weight during 12-16 weeks
Week 1-2 should have 2500 calories per day,
Week 3-4 should have 2800 calories per day,
Week 5-6 should have 3100 calories per day,
Week 7-8 should have 3400 calories per day,
Week 9-10 should have 3700 calories per day,
Week 11-12 should have 4000 calories per day.
If he noticed that he reached what he needs or he noticed increase in fats he should stop calories increase.
Calories divided according to food as following:
Carbohydrates: 50% from the daily calories,
Protein: 30% from the daily calories,
Fats: 20% from the daily calories.
These ratios differ from one to another but I think it is suitable for those who don’t know much about their bodies and what it need.