Firstly: Carbohydrates
Player needs enough quantity of carbohydrates to supply him with the required energy. In fact we know that exaggeration in carbohydrates leads to increasing the fats rate in the body but the small amount of carbohydrates will leads to use proteins and other nutrients as an energy source and this is unacceptable. 40 to 50 % carbohydrates is a good ratio of the total calories.
We must also differentiate between types of carbohydrates: simple and complex,
Simple carbohydrates is like sugars and it is prefer to take it immediately after exercise and don’t take it in other times as it increases the insulin sensitivity quickly and this will increase the ability to gain more fats.
Complex carbohydrates work slowly and that makes it an essential source of carbohydrates in the food system because it doesn’t increase fats like the simple type. It is also considered a certain source of energy during exercise.
These are examples for carbohydrates resources:
1_ simple carbohydrates: sweets, fruits, raw sugar, meals that contain a high ratio of sugar and dietary supplements that contain a high ratio of dextrose.
2_ complex carbohydrates: rice, pasta, potatoes, beans, vegetables, bread and oats.
Secondly: Protein
It is necessary to build the muscular tissue, that bodybuilder needs from 1-2 gm protein per kilo of his body weight. 30 to 40% proteins is a good ratio of the total calories to grow your muscles.
These are the best proteins resources: meat, chicken, albumen, milk, fish and nutritive supplementary (whey protein).
Thirdly: Fats
Some people will think that having fats will increase its storage in the body but there is difference between foods containing fats and the ability of the body to store it.
We must know that there are two kinds of fats: saturated and unsaturated fats. We should avoid saturated fats because the excess in taking it may lead to accumulation the fats in the body and increase health risks like artery diseases and bad cholesterol. But unsaturated fats is important as it increase secretion of hormones especially testosterone a kind of fatty acids (EFA) essential fatty acids.
One of the best unsaturated fats is fish, yes fish don’t surprised it contains good proteins and fats, also olive oil, hazelnut, almonds, peanut butter, black caraway oil, essential supplementary fatty acids and omega3.
Fourth: nutritive supplementary that can be used in your system to get better results.
It is necessary during gain weight as it is natural, safe and helps you to grow your muscles increasing power and bearing.
It is amino acid derived from protein safe and natural, it is also used for muscular therapy after exercise as it keeps muscular tissue and helps to keep the level of nitrogen high with fiber muscles.
3_Mineral and vitamins supplementary (multi-vitamins):
We must take it as we can not take all the vegetables and fruits kinds during the day. Therefore it is necessary to take as it treats stress and increase immunity, health and activity.
4_Whey protein:
It is one of the best protein resources even faster in absorption and assimilation it helps to complete the protein rate of the day and is necessary after exercise immediately so you can take from 30 to 40 gm whey with 70 to 80 gm carbohydrates preferably the simple kind is necessary for muscular therapy after exercise.
5_Essential fatty acids (EFA):
It is a kind of nutritive supplementary that contains these acids from various resources like fish oils.
Amino acid that helps to increase blood pumping thus increase the flow of the oxygen to the cells which contribute which participate in the performance of the exercise and also to transfer nutrients to it and therefore a good therapy.
You ought to divide your daily calories to several meals from 5 to 7 meals a day. Because if you take your daily calories in 3 or 4 meals firstly: you will not feel hungry to eat more meals, secondly: your body will not use the amount it will give out a part of it and the leftover will be restored at the form of fat and that will feeble your metabolism and then you will gain more fat, so you must divide your meals to smaller ones and to have a meal every 2 or 3 hours.
There are some foods that you must avoid:
1_fast foods as it contains high calories especially saturated fats.
2_white meat or meat that contains fats and this is a saturated fats.
3_french fries (fried in oil).
4_pizza, ice-cream and sweets.
5_flesh of duck or geese as it contains saturated fats.
But don’t completely deprive yourself of these, you can specify a day in the week to eat whatever you want but don’t exaggerate in eating.
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